Your Outer and Inner Energy Bodies.
- 2014-02-11
- By reikidarshan
- Posted in Blog
• your bodies are a balance of six flowing fluid layers and strong grid structures:
…… physical, astral (emotion), causal (karma), mental (thought), etheric (intuition), Soul.
• a green physical body:
…… the layer of matter that you see, hear, smell, touch, and can taste!
…… is the one whose eyes are reading these words.
…… is the only body visible to the naked eye (ie. without special equipment).
…… is the outer body linked to and surrounded by the other inner bodies.
• a red astral body:
…… the layer of energy manifesting as emotions (lower) and heart (upper) energy.
…… is the one whose emotions respond to this through your feelings about it.
• an orange causal body:
…… the “seed body” or karmic hologram where experiences are stored.
…… is the one whose cellular memory filters your perception of this information.
…… is the one testing this against the accumulated experience of your past lives.
• a blue mental body:
…… the layer of energy that manifests as attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and ideas.
…… is the one whose analysis is responding to this by giving you thoughts about it.
• a purple etheric body:
…… the layer of energy that manifests as intuition, knowingness, and guidance.
…… is the one whose intuitive abilities are acting on this information.
…… is the one coordinating the various responses of the other bodies.
…… is the one producing your final decision about this information.
• a white soul body:
…… the layer of energy that manifests as intuition, knowingness, and guidance.
Your Energy Chakras
• are “Spinning Wheels of Light” (the translation of the Sanskrit word ‘chakra’).
• are rooted in a vertical power current or energy hose that interconnects and interpenetrates the aura and [auric] bodies.
• nourish all the inner energy bodies as well as the outer matter body with lifeforce.
• [comprise] seven major chakras (below):
• open-ended at the root (genital area),
…… the color is red: it connects you to the Earth, your purpose, and your will to live
• at the sacrum (base of spine/pelvic area),
…… the color is orange: it represents
…… in front: your self love and acceptance
…… in back: your use of personal power
• at the solar plexus (stomach/diaphragm area),
…… the color is yellow: it represents
…… in front: how you see yourself in the world (your identity in this life)
…… in back: how you take care of yourself (body, mind, emotions)
• at the heart (heart area),
…… the color is green and expands to pink: it represents
…… in front: how you connect in relationship to others from the”heart”
…… in back: how you support yourself in accomplishing tasks in career/work
• at the throat (throat area),
…… the color is blue: it represents
…… in front: how you connect in living your truth using spoken words
…… in back: how you connect in how you see yourself professionally
• at the third eye (between the eyebrows),
…… the color is purple: it represents
…… in front: how you take in the creative forces of the universe
…… in back: how you manifest desires from using the energies of creation
• open-ended at the crown (top of head),
…… the color is white: it connects you to the source of all
universal knowledge.
Healing the Human Energy Field
Your energy field is the instrument of wellness and the source of illness.
Barbara Brennan said it best: …to heal “I have found that the source is the key. To deal with the source usually requires a life change ultimately leading to a personal life more connected to the core of one’s being. It leads us to that deeper part of ourselves that is sometimes called the Higher Self or the spark of divinity within.”
How does Energy Healing help?
The power of Energy Healing comes from the early identification of disruptions and disturbances at the level of energy BEFORE they can manifest in diseases and disorders at the level of matter. This gives you advance notice of problems and precious time to heal your issues before they can create serious illness. For only by healing your issues can you bring your life into balance and achieve vibrant health.
Energy Healing helps by boosting your energy field with the life force present in universal energy. Usually Energy Healing is performed by a practitioner skilled in channeling the flow of universal energy into the fields of others. It is the energy which brings gentle balance into your body, mind, and emotions. It is not the practitioner’s energy which does this: it is universal energy at work. It is your willingness to receive and integrate universal energy that creates the healing.
How does Energy Healing work?..
Energy Healing works only to the extent that you are truly open and ready to receive the energy and use it to heal your physical, mental, and/or emotional issues. The cellular intelligence of your body will use the energy to heal physical issues. The nurturing beliefs of your mind will allow the energy to heal mental issues. The wisdom of your emotions will allow the energy to heal emotional issues.
You will heal to the extent that you embrace healing energy. You will not heal to the extent you resist it. Your Higher Self actually directs the energy to where it is needed and can most be accepted at any moment. Energy Healing is very sensitive to what you want – what you really want – as communicated by your consistent actions, thoughts, and emotions. If you cannot/do not act, think, and feel in healthy ways, Traditional Medicine becomes a better choice for you. …
How does Energy Healing work with the Natural Flow of the Universe?..
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