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when a person becomes a witness, energy neither goes out nor goes within, it stops, it becomes steady

Nothing remains still in this world. Nothing can remain motionless in this world. Everything in this world will either go out or come within, it will either go forward or go backward. There is nothing motionless in this world, nothing can remain still here. If energy becomes still, goes neither in nor out, then for a moment it would appear that energy has become still and its outward flow has stopped. Be a witness thus and you will find that energy has started to flow within. Energy is a living thing, it cannot be stopped, it shall certainly go somewhere. If it does not flow downwards, it will flow upwards.

Tantra says man has to make an effort to take it out, but to take it within man has to be effortless. One has to make many efforts to take it out because it is unnatural to be in, while no effort is necessary to take it within. There is only one way to take it within and that is, to give up the efforts which take it outwards. But both the pleasure seeker and the renouncer fight against it outside. One pushes energy outward, the other draws it within. He pushes it out as much as he draws it within. Energy tries to go within as much as it is pushed out. Just as a ball dashed against a wall returns to you, similarly our conflict with energy leads us to absurdities.


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