Super Brain Yoga..
- 2013-12-10
- By reikidarshan
- Posted in Blog
The human brain is amazing – even so more sophisticated than any existing computer – that it gives people powerful potential (from The existence of God is self evident). A baby is born into the world with around 100 billion brain cells, give or take a few million. A brain cell is technically called a neuron, and a neuron is so miniscule that 30,000 of them fit on a pinhead. The brain is so important to the species that four weeks after conception, an embryo that will become a baby produces half a
million neurons every minute. A complex system of 300 million neurons connects the brain’s right and left sides. Each person’s 100 billion neurons has about 20,000 very important connecting branches called dendrites. There are said to be more possible connections in the human brain than the number of atoms in the entire universe!
But to make the most of one’s brain, it needs to be exercised and nurtured like every other part of the human system. Synapses – points of brain connections – have to be created and conserved for the brain to stay alert and healthy throughout adulthood.
The founder of the Pranic Healing movement, Choa Kok Sui (honored as Master or teacher by Pranic Healers worldwide), has gifted readers with a book to optimize brain wellness: Superbrain Yoga. The focus is on one easy exercise designed to help students improve their grades. But typical of Master Choa (MCKS), the simple solution offers complex benefits not just for students but adults seeking brain wellness into their senior years, and patients with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Down Syndrome, and other developmental challenges and cognitive delays seeking normalcy and cures.
“Superbrain Yoga is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear accupuncture.”
If need to find some way to relax and improve your concentration but don’t have time for a full yoga class, you might want to consider Superbrain Yoga, a trademark name for a technique said to revitalize the brain. It takes just a few minutes each day and is best done in the morning; proponents say the effects last throughout the day
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