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Relief From Gout Pain By Controlling Uric Acid..

.Gout and uric acid are very closely related. Anyone suffering from gout can get relief from gout pain by controlling uric acid levels. Excess uric acid levels can play havoc and you may end up with the inflammation and acute gout pain in your bone joints. People suffering from gout pain search for long lasting remedy for gout pain. Let us first understand what is gout and uric acid…
What Is Gout? How Does It Occur?..
Gout is an attack of painful inflammation in bone joints. Though gout is a kind of arthritis but it is very different from the common rheumatoid arthritis.
Gout attack occurs due to high levels of a chemical called uric acid in the blood. Though uric acid is harmless and is normally built by the body and most of it is passed out through the urine and stools thereby naturally maintaining the required levels in the body. However if the kidneys do not flush out enough uric acid its level starts building up in the blood which forms small crystals of uric acid in the joints which irritates the tissues and cause inflammation, swelling and pain of gout attack. Some people may have higher levels of uric acid but they do not form crystals therefore they do not have gout. On the contrary some people with normal levels of uric acid may experience gout attack. As a rule, the higher the level of uric acid, the higher the chances of gout pain.

How Is Uric Acid Formed?..
Uric acid is naturally formed by the body, however in some people the kidneys do not excrete enough uric acid which causes uric acid to build up in the blood and this causes gout to occur.

There may be many other factors for uric acid build up –
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