Reiki Level 2
This Reiki attunement deepens your connection to the source and strengthens your ability to channel it. In Reiki Level 2, you call and consciously direct spiritual energy. You are introduced to the Reiki symbols and distance healing in this level.
Symbols are used in healing, meditation and for spiritual, mental and emotional development. They are triggers that enable you to connect with spiritual information. Symbols help you connect with and focus and use the Reiki energy. The symbols can be used for healing and protection.
The Reiki symbols are used in treatments as well as attunements/ initiations. There are three traditional symbols taught in Reiki Level 2. There is one more symbol used in traditional Reiki in the Master Level.
The Reiki Level 2 attunement attunes you to the three symbols you will be working with at this level. The attunement of Level 2 deepens the quality of the flow of Reiki Energy. With Reiki Level 2 training, the student is introduced to three sacred symbols, and is instructed in their use to:
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