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Practical Positive Response Training To The Mind…

If I believe that I am just the physical body and that my thoughts are simply results of chemical and electrical processes in the brain, and not something I can consciously control, I let go of the key of taking charge of what is going on inside my mind. In meditation, my intellect recognizes and realizes that my thoughts are my own creation, of me the soul and not the body and that I, the soul, using the intellect, which is also a part of the soul, can make choices about them.

When I realize that my natural state is to be the master of my mind and not to be dictated by it or dictated by the brain, I start taking charge of what is going on inside. When I practice being a master of my mind repeatedly by practicing meditation regularly, the new habit of creating only positive thoughts settles inside me and my habit of responding negatively with a negative state of mind to negative situations, begins to change over a period of time. I start responding positively even to negative situations. So, meditation is a major transformation process of the habit of thinking negatively, which then has positive results on my personality and behavior.
When we change our world changes. ..
Projection:– We usually wait for the world to change, sometimes the world at large and sometimes our own little world. Since it is not in our hands we don’t find it changing according to what we want and we give up trying. We rarely think of changing ourselves which is possible.

Solution—: When we change, our thoughts and attitude change too. We are then able to look at the people and our world around us with a different vision. Thus we find that our world changes, not so much in the situation as much as in our own perception.

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