What comprise health? Is absence of illness and being physically and mentally fit the only definition of health? A perfectly healthy person is oblivious of the body. Perfect health is bodilessness. “Health is something natural, no medicine can give it to you. Disease is something unnatural. Disease enters you from the outside; an outside medicine can take it away. Health is your innermost core, it is you. When you are naturally yourself you are healthy”.
Bringing out the essence of health, that meditation and medicine comes from the same root, medicine heals physically and meditation heals spiritually. Both are healing processes and both bring health.
What is health?
If we ask a physician what the definition of health is, he will only say that health is the absence of sickness. But this definition is negative. It is unfortunate that we must define health in terms of illness. Health is a positive thing, a positive state: illness is negative. Health is our nature; illness is an attack on nature. So it is very strange that we must define health in terms of illness. To define the host in terms of the guest — this is very strange.
Health coexists with us; illness comes occasionally. Health accompanies us at birth; illness is a superficial phenomenon. But if we ask a physician what is the meaning of health, he can only say that health is present when illness is absent.
— the concept of health needs to be positively defined. But how can we reach a positive definition, an interpretation of the concept of health that will be creative?
, “Until we know the state of your inner harmony, we can at the most release you from your illness — because your inner harmony is the source of your health. But when we release you from one illness, you will immediately catch another, because nothing has been done about your inner harmony. Your inner harmony has to be supported.”