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Learn-Reiki a Channel of Divine Healing   arrow


Learn-Reiki a channel of divine Healing

Reiki means universal life force energy that one is receiving all the time. Learn Reiki A channel of divine healing, comes from the house of God in the form of “HOLY SPRIT” through hands, by process of initiation by MASTERS.Making the energy flow through one’s body as the water flows in a river – continuous, joyous, having a direction. Reiki makes one sensitive enough to realize the energy within and also sensible enough to utilize the energy for strengthening, healing, relaxing, rejuvenating oneself.

Reiki Attunements

Regular attunements of Reiki as well as Healing Reiki sessions are happening and ongoing everyday at my REIKI centre. I initiated more than 1500 students & various ages, educational and social backgrounds, and religions. Same stands true for Reiki healing sessions. My intention is to spread message of love & Love is only door towards God.
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