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Karmic Reiki   arrow

Karmic Reiki is a beautiful and gentle form of Reiki to heal and cleanse our Karma. The symbols work on emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and Auric levels. There are 5 symbols in Karmic Reiki. There are 2 symbols which ease the effect of “anonymous karma” or unknown karma and there are 3 sister symbols which are very powerful and can reveal astonishing details from a person’s past lives.

Karma can be good or bad. The effects therefore will come as rewards or lessons and punishments. However, the law of Karma states that for every deed that is committed by a person, its corresponding effect might not happen in the same lifetime, but can be in other lifetimes. We often experience obstacles, setbacks in our life though we put in hard work. That is our Karma!
How Reiki Helps with Karmic Issues

The Reiki attunement opens us up and we invite more divine energy to flow through our bodies. This contact with Reiki increases our awareness quotient. We become aware of self limiting patterns in our lives, which is the first and most important step towards healing karmic patterns.

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