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Human energy field (aura and chakras) scientifically proven, including healing through this field…

Brilliantly bridging science and spirituality, Barbara Brennan, a former research scientist for NASA and atmospheric physicist, is one of the first scientists to have studied and proven in-depth the existence of what will hopefully soon be widely recognized as the human energy field (known in lay terms as “aura”). Trained as both physicist and psychotherapist and having spent over 20 years studying the human energy field and working as a healer, Brennan is the author of the soon-to-be classic ”Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field ” (based on her observation of 5000 clients and students), as well as a follow-up called ”Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing”. Blending ancient tradition and modern scientific theory, she provides a comprehensive introduction to the science of the human “”aura”” or multi-level energy field and its intimate connection to a person’s health and well-being, discussing how to work with this field to cure physical and emotional disease (dis-ease).
Brennan writes, ”our bodies exist within a larger ‘body‘, a human energy field or aura, which is the vehicle through which we create our experience of reality, including our health and illness. It is through this energy field that we have the power to heal ourselves. This energy body – only recently verified by scientists, but long known to healers and mystics – is the starting point of all illness. Here, our most powerful and profound human interactions take place, the precursor and healer of all physiological and emotional disturbances.”
The human energy field or aura consists of various energetic layers including the seven main chakras. Disturbances, imbalances, blockages in any part or layer of the aura ”precipitate” into the physical body, leading to emotional or physical dis-ease. Based on what she calls expanded sensory perception*, Barbara Brennan gives substantial background information concerning these processes incl. many color illustrations and drawings as well as in-depth techniques for correcting these problems.
Barbara Brennan’s eminent teacher was Rosalyn L. Bruyere, “an internationally acclaimed healer, clairvoyant, and medicine woman. Trained as an engineer, she was instrumental in the eight-year research on the human electromagnetic field conducted at UCLA. It was during the Rolf study thatthe two scientists were able to measure the frequencies of the human energy field and discovered that these frequencies correlated with the frequencies of visible light.
Barbara Brennan acknowledges her eminent teacher in Bruyere’s book “Wheels of Light” ”
* in contrast to extra-sensory perception since Brennan claims that everyone can learn to enlarge their current range of vision** and hearing***. Brennan provides specific exercises and techniques to help people learn how to see energy fields (”auras”), i.e. to expand their normal perceptual range and to understand psychodynamics and spiritual healing. , but those who are aware of auras should be able to relate her way of seeing with their own.”
** Human vision: that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which lies between the wavelengths of about 400 nm and 800 nm (in air) is visible to the human eye. Light can also be characterized by its frequency. The different wavelengths are interpreted by the human brain as colors, ranging from red at the longest wavelengths (lowest frequencies) to violet at the shortest wavelengths (highest frequencies). The intervening frequencies are seen as orange, yellow, green, blue, and, conventionally, indigo.
*** Human audition: the range of sound audible to the human ear is roughly confined to between 20 Hz and 20 kHz (20 – 20,000 Hz)

Understanding the Human Energy Field..
The Human Energy Field is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind, and emotions. Your aura is the energetic skin which holds all your inner energy bodies and outer body together. Your energy chakras are like the pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy into and out of the body.
Your energy field is the instrument of wellness and the source of illness. Barbara Brennan said it best: “it is essential that we deal with the deeper meaning of our illnesses. We need to ask, what does this illness mean to me? What can I learn from this illness? Illness can be seen as simply a message from your body to you that says, ‘Wait a minute: something is wrong. You are not listening to your whole self; you are ignoring something that is very important to you’. A return to health requires more personal work and change than simply taking pills prescribed by a doctor. Without personal change, you will eventually create another problem to lead you back to the source that caused the disease in the first place.”
Your Aura: Skin of Inner Energy Bodies
• you are a vibrational energy being and composed of light and sound energy.
• [your] aura surrounds your outer physical body in all directions.
• it extends both internally and externally.
• it interacts with everything around you.
• it reacts to your every thought, word, feeling, choice, and action instantly.
• it is electromagnetic and interpenetrates your physical body with energy.
• your aura is the holographic, energy matrix for your physical (matter) body
The Nature of “Living Energy”
• the flow of the universe is from energy to matter: energy flows from your
…… inner bodies to create the matter of your physical body.
• all your bodies are created from the living energy variously referred to as:
…… chi (China), ki (Japan), manna (Hawaii), prana (India).
• your living energy field can be photographed in a verifiable, repeatable way with instruments like the Kirlian camera
• is the vital life force that makes you alive and interconnected with all life
…… animals, plants, humans, objects.

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