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How to live in Present moment by following 10 Steps

1) Remove resistance.
Man is either living in past or in future not in to-day.start living in to-day.Future yet not come ,past is past What you you have focus will become in present .so be in present and Stop resisting what is. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, you are stuck in a traffic jam. You can’t center yourself in the now if you don’t accept it. Even if you are in a situation you don’t like or intend to change, accept it as part of your current reality.
2) Find rose-smelling moments.
Give yourself a few moments to smell the roses each day. Stopping your routine, even for only thirty seconds, and grounding yourself in what is around you can have a calming effect. Most people don’t do this unless captured by something magnificent. But even simple parts of life deserve a chance at reflection. Spend fifteen seconds to see how the light bounces off the edge of a glass. Or look at the pattern of clouds in an overcast sky. Just a small investment can make you feel more centered for the rest of your day.

3) Experience what you are doing.
Here’s a big one. Actually experience what you are doing. This might sound bizarre, but how often do you eat a meal without really tasting the food? Listen to music without noticing the notes? Talk to your spouse without really listening? If you are going to do something, engage with it. Try to isolate specific flavors in your sandwich. Notice the different instruments in a piece of music you’ve heard thousands of time. Empathize with a friend who is talking to you.
Whether you choose to experience something or not doesn’t matter for productivity. It takes the same amount of time for me to really taste a bowl of soup than just slurping it down. But by choosing to focus on your current task you can draw far more enjoyment and peace from it.

4) Cut down multitasking.
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