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Distant Healing Techniques- REIKI ADVANCED LEVEL-2

Distant Healing Techniques Reiki is energy and it has no bounds!! Sending distant healing is very powerful and is learned in Reiki II. You don’t have to be in the presence of someone to give them Reiki. They can be in another room, another state, or on another continent and you can still send them the Reiki healing they need. What is your favorite way to send distance healing? There are many ways to send distance healing and many different uses for distance healing. The methods described below are a small sample of ways to send distance healing. Distance healing is learned in Reiki II along with emotional healing. There are many techniques that make sending distance healing easy. You can send distance healing to one, two, ten, a hundred, a million, a whole country, or the world if you want to. Why? Because the limits are all in your intention. Intention is the way we tell the Reiki energy what we want it to do. Here are some techniques for getting distance healing flowing to any number of people you designate: The simplest method of sending distance healing is to use words. Simply activate the Reiki energy (most practitioners just say or think “Reiki” or “Reiki on” to do this). Then intend for Reiki to flow to who you want. For example, “Reiki on. Reiki healing for Jim Smith, Suzy Jones, and Sammy Lee. May each receive the healing that is needed at this time.” Then let the Reiki flow. Another example: “Reiki on. Reiki healing for all who need it in Japan, for ther highest and greatest good.” Then let the Reiki flow. Another way to send distance healing is to make a list. Write down the names of everyone who you want to send distance healing to. Then intend for the Reiki to activate. Hold the list and intend that Reiki energy flow to all whose names are on the list. Reading the list while sending the energy emphasizes the intention to send healing to each person whose name is written on the list. Use a Reiki box. Write the names or intentions (i.e., abundance, a better job, finding my life’s purpose, etc.) each on their own slip of paper. Put all of the papers into a box then send distance healing to all intentions in the box. Activate the Reiki energy then intend “Allow Reiki energy to flow to send healing to all people and intentions written on paper in this box.” The group between the hands method. Intend that the specific group of people you are sending healing to is represented in mini size small enought to fit between your hands. Intend to activate the Reiki energy. Then Hold your hands with palms facing each other, and intend to send Reiki to the entire group at once. Make a crystal grid. Making a crystal grid is an activity some Reiki Masters teach in Advanced Reiki Training (ART) which is the first part of Level III or Master training. A crystal grid is a very visual and concrete way to represent the intention for continuous healing. Those who like to have altars or a decorated sacred space for meditation or Reiki practice may gravitate towards this method. Keep in mind: Personal one-to-one distance healing is often strongest and allows you to be involved enough to scan the person and determine where the energy is flowing. Permission is ethical when sending Reiki to another person. If you know the person or people you wish to send Reiki to, you should try to get their permission first. There are some solid reasons for this. If I can’t speak to the person or people I wish to send healing to I intend that the energy will heal to their highest good ‘if they are open and receptive to the energy

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