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Diseases first appear in the energy body ……What is Pranic Healing?

Diseases first appear in the energy body and can be prevented from manifesting in the physical body. ” Master Choa Kok Sui
“Cancer is not something that happens overnight it has been present in the auric field for up to 20 years.”
What is Pranic Healing? How and when did this method originate?..
Pranic healing is a holistic, no-touch method of healing that treats a person on the physical, emotional and mental levels by treating the human energy field. It is an accepted fact that all living things have an energy field around them. This has been called the bioplasmic field by scientists and is also known by terms such as the etheric body, etheric double, aura, energy body, etc. Contained in this bioplasmic body are energy centres, referred to as chakras in ancient Indian literature. It has been found that one’s physical, emotional and mental states are reflected in characteristic ways in the energy field. This manifestation occurs in terms of the quantity and quality of energy at various points in the energy field. Pranic Healing is ancient and probably originated in India. As is the case with many of our ancient arts, it has died a natural death in its home. However, during recent times, Master Choa Kok Sui has revived this technique and has re-packaged it in its current modern form. Master Choa, as he is affectionately called, is a chemical engineer and a successful businessman. He has spent almost 20 years researching the techniques of Pranic Healing by working closely with doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, healers and clairvoyants while honing his skills and perfecting the techniques that are currently taught under the Pranic Healing banner. Pranic Healing today is practised widely in most parts of the world and in India alone, we have about 40,000 healers. Master Choa travels extensively – visiting various parts of the world to conduct classes not only in healing but also to give spiritual guidance and teaching.
Where does prana come from?
There are 3 principal sources – the sun, the air and the earth. Secondary sources include food, water, plants, etc. We need a constant supply of fresh prana to maintain good health. Pranic Healing teaches you how to consciously absorb and assimilate more prana and use it to improve your life.
How does one learn to heal / treat using this method?
There are 3 levels of Pranic Healing – the basic, advanced and psychotherapy workshops. The basic pranic healing workshop is open to all. No prior knowledge or skills are necessary. Here, students are introduced to the concept of the bioplasmic body, its characteristics and how it relates to a person’s health. They are taught how to feel or scan this energy field using the sense of touch. This skill is easy to pick up initially, though mastery takes time and practise. With this ability to scan, Pranic Healers are able to diagnose those parts of the bioplasmic body that may be imbalanced. At the basic level, this manifests as excess energy at a part, known as Pranic congestion, or lack of energy, known as Pranic depletion. Once determined, Pranic Healers are imparted the skills of cleansing and energising, which allows them to normalise the affected areas. Cleansing involves removing the “dirty” or used-up energy that causes the imbalances in the first place; while energising allows us to restore the energy balance by projecting “fresh” or clean energy into the affected part. Besides teaching us how to heal, the Pranic Healing workshop also contains a meditation technique called the Meditation on Twin Hearts, basic Pranayama techniques, lectures on the Law or Karma and character building, techniques to heal oneself and how to heal people at a distance. There are currently Pranic Healing foundations in 9 states with another 2 expected to come up shortly. All foundations conduct regular workshop in various parts of the country.
What type of problem is this method used to treat typically?
As explained under Question 2, there is no restriction on the type of ailments we treat. In general, however, who approach us (in Bangalore) suffer from such ailments as asthma, muscular skeletal disorders (Arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, etc), heart ailments, etc. We have also had cases of cancer, migraine, gastrointestinal ailments, stress related problems, emotional / psychological problems such as depression, addiction, etc.
Stress and anxiety in today’s fast paced life are the key problems. How effective is Pranic Healing in this case?
Pranic Healing is extremely effective in combating stress. There are several ways in which this is done: With Pranic Healing, we are taught to deal with energies. Physical ailments, for example, are often due to “used up” or “dirty” energy is certain parts of the bioplasmic body. Emotional and psychological ailments, similarly, can be traced to certain types of energies. Stress, for example, manifests in the energy world as ‘stress energy’ which tends to lodge in the area of the solar plexus. By applying basic Pranic Healing techniques such as cleansing and energising, we are able to remove the stress energy from a person, thereby relieving the stress. Another effective method of combating stress is Pranic breathing. This is a very simplified form of breath control that has numerous benefits. On the physical level, it helps us relax, the pulse rate comes down and the blood pressure reduces. On an emotional level, it helps one to calm down and relax; while on a mental level, it allows us to focus our thoughts more easily. Regular practise of Pranic breathing helps one to be more relaxed and stress free. Finally, an extremely effective technique to combat stress is the Meditation on Twin Hearts (MTH). MTH, also known as active meditation, where the practitioner is occupied in focusing on specific energy centres, projecting various types of energy, etc. During the meditation, two important energy centres in our body are activated. This results in a change of attitude in the practitioner in the long run. We may have all observed two or more people in the same situation, perhaps working on the same project, similar home environments, etc. Yet, one is calm and peaceful and gets his or her work done effectively and calmly; while the other might be a wreck, rushing here and there, finally getting nothing done. Regular practise of the MTH helps one to change how he or she responds to the environment; allowing the person to deal with the now common stresses of daily life effectively and without getting unduly disturbed. It must be stressed, however, that regular practice is the key. Practising the meditation as and when we feel like it is not likely to bring about the desired result.
What exactly happens during a session?
During a Pranic Healing session, the patient has only to keep an open mind and sit or lie down in a relaxed position. The patient does not need to believe in pranic healing. What is required is lack of resistance. Just simple curiosity is enough on the part of the patient. The healer scans the energy field of the patient and depending on his or her level of skill, may look for imbalances in different parameters. The patient is also interviewed regarding the problem. We are not only interested in the physical ailment, but equally in the underlying emotional and mental conditions. It is important to specify here that Pranic Healing does not intend to replace orthodox medicine. A patient is never asked to stop any medication he may be on. In fact, if we come across a patient whose ailment is severe, he is encouraged to visit a doctor and get his problems diagnosed before returning to us. Once the imbalance is discovered, the Pranic Healing techniques of cleansing and energising are applied to normalise the energy field. A normal, balanced energy field leads to better physical, emotional and mental health. From a scientific point of view, the balanced energy field catalyses certain chemical changes in the body, which in turn allows normalising of the physical condition. Of course, the healing may need to be applied several times before a complete cure is achieved. As mentioned earlier, however, many physical symptoms such as pain, insomnia, etc. and psychological symptoms like depression, lethargy, etc. tend to be relieved very quickly.
What are the prerequisites for a healing session to be successful? How many times does a person need to undergo a session?
It is important that the patient does not resist the treatment and on the other hand, the healing is extremely effective if the patient is open or receptive to healing. An important part of a healing session is building rapport with the patient. (It would be important to specify here that the patient does not need to have faith or belief in the system, an open mind is more than sufficient) As explained earlier, Pranic Healing treats not only a person’s physical ailments, but also the oft-underlying emotional and psychological problems. Thus, it is imperative that rapport be built up so that the patient is comfortable discussing problems that may be at the root of the ailment. The number of times a person needs to undergo treatment varies. It often depends on the amount of effort the patient is willing to put in. If the patient regularly practises the meditation and breathing techniques that are taught to him or her, and also, where required, does some simple exercises and is in control of the diet, recovery is extremely fast; in many cases, almost miraculous. All too often, however, the patient expects that just visiting a healer twice or thrice a week is sufficient. While this may be true at times, especially for purely physical ailments, most of the time, it is not sufficient. After all, it is often the patient’s attitude, lifestyle or means of livelihood that are at the root cause of the problem. A busy executive who works 12-hour days 7 days a week would certainly need to practise some moderation in his or her life to ensure effective relief from stress related ailments. Plain healing, while it may lead to relief from physical symptoms, would not be effective in the long run unless the executive changes his ways.
Can you comment on meditation and its positive effects?
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique that in earlier times was reserved only for senior disciples. It is an active meditation, in the sense that the practitioner is constantly focusing on ‘doing’ things. These include activating certain energy centres or chakras, sending energy to the whole earth, visualising a point of light, etc. As part of the meditation, the practitioner sends a lot of positive, loving energy to the entire earth and all living beings. This blessing of the earth helps to heal the earth on an energy level, much like Pranic Healing. Furthermore, as has been documented in scientific tests (Healing Words, by Dr. Larry Dossey), sending positive energies or blessing a person has actual, measurable benefits on that person’s health. Similarly, the more people we can get to practise the meditation regularly, the quicker we can help heal our world. This blessing of the world, besides healing the earth, also helps the practitioner tremendously. Over a period of time, this blessing activates the heart energy centre, leading to a sense of overall peace, reduced stress, a more proactive stance in interpersonal relationships, and many more benefits; the least of which is the ability to forgive! With regular practise of the meditation, one can experience many benefits
On the physical level:
• Improved health
• Greater strength / energy and greater resistance to illness
On the emotional level:
• Control of our emotions
• A gradual reduction in negative emotions like anger, irritation, hatred, etc., that are replaced by a feeling of peace and acceptance
• A feeling of love and understanding
• Reduced stress
• Improved, proactive interpersonal relationships
• Forgiveness
On the mental level:
• Greater mental peace and focus
• Improved intellect
• Enhanced concentration
• Increased intuition
• How does one learn to heal / treat using this method?
• There are 3 levels of Pranic Healing – the basic, advanced and psychotherapy workshops. The basic pranic healing workshop is open to all. No prior knowledge or skills are necessary. Here, students are introduced to the concept of the bioplasmic body, its characteristics and how it relates to a person’s health. They are taught how to feel or scan this energy field using the sense of touch. This skill is easy to pick up initially, though mastery takes time and practise. With this ability to scan, Pranic Healers are able to diagnose those parts of the bioplasmic body that may be imbalanced. At the basic level, this manifests as excess energy at a part, known as Pranic congestion, or lack of energy, known as Pranic depletion. Once determined, Pranic Healers are imparted the skills of cleansing and energising, which allows them to normalise the affected areas. Cleansing involves removing the “dirty” or used-up energy that causes the imbalances in the first place; while energising allows us to restore the energy balance by projecting “fresh” or clean energy into the affected part. Besides teaching us how to heal, the Pranic Healing workshop also contains a meditation technique called the Meditation on Twin Hearts, basic Pranayama techniques, lectures on the Law or Karma and character building, techniques to heal oneself and how to heal people at a distance. …

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