Colours affect the totality of our being …
- 2013-12-23
- By reikidarshan
- Posted in Blog
All creation is made of rays, radiations and vibrations. Whether it is the substratum of our Universe, which is made up chiefly of nine principle rays or the nine colours of the rainbow (yellow, orange, red, violet, indigo, blue, ultra-violet, infra-red and green), which form the white light of our solar system; the nine yogic Chakras (Muladhar, Swadhisthan, Manipur, Anahata, Vissudhi, Ajna, Soma, Kameshwari and Sahasrar); the nine nuclei in the brain (Amygdala, Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Putamen, Substancia Nigra, Globus Pallidus, Nucleus Caudatus head, Nucleus Caudatus tail, and Sub Thalamus), which are controlled by the nine planets, the seven notes of music (Sa, Re, Ga. Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa), the seven systems of Ayurveda (Chyle, Blood, Flesh, Fat, Bone, Marrow, Sperm) , the five panchbhutas ( Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether), the five primeval Vayus (Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana), or the five senses (Smell, Taste, Touch, Sight and Hearing), they all resonate with the nine cosmic colours with their ultra- and infra- frequencies. So we see that everything in the cosmos is inter-linked and inter-related and it is these universal rays that do the work of creation, maintenance and destruction.
In the human body each and every cell, tissue and organ is also the manifestation of the nine Cosmic rays. These nine principle rays also form the substratum of our nine planets. Mars is the condensed form of the colour yellow, Moon of orange, Sun of red, Saturn of violet, Venus of indigo, Jupiter of blue, Rahu of ultra-violet, Ketu of infra-red and Mercury of the colour green. These rays have healing qualities. The state of equilibrium of these rays in the cells keeps the body healthy. These rays are constantly adjusting themselves according to internal and external conditions. Illness occurs when the interaction between outward and inward forces upsets the equilibrium of the rays in the cells and tissues and this makes the rays weak and out of order. These weakened rays can be strengthened by means of colour radiation from gems, as they are nature’s storehouses of cosmic colours.
Colours affect the totality of our being because the colour of a ray is a form of sustenance that is necessary for the health of cells and tissue just as food is for the body. Each colour has a definite wavelength with its own frequency and impression. Disease is a ray of wrong frequency that can be cured by another ray that can correct the diseased ray.