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Chakras   arrow



A chakra is an energy centre that connects to, and surrounds the physical body.
There are seven major chakras and a number of minor ones such as the foot, thymus, nasal and navel for example. We will be concentrating on the seven major chakras in this website.
The chakras are not physical in nature but they affect your physical body. They affect all other parts of your life, including emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. The chakra system of balancing the chakras has its origins, over four thousand years ago, with deep connections to Hinduism. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel.
The chakras are the means through which universal life force energy is translated into your personal energy. The energy within the body is the chakra while the energy around you is called the aura. Traditionally the colour assignments are red for the first, orange for the second, Yellow for the third, Green for the fourth, Blue for the fifth, Indigo for the Sixth and Purple for the Seventh chakra.

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