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Category Archives: Blog

What is The Meditation on Twin Hearts….

Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that some of the major chakras are entry points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. To achieve illumination or cosmic consciousness, it is necessary to sufficiently activate the Crown chakra. But this can be done only when the Heart chakra is sufficiently activated. […]

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Super Brain Yoga..

The human brain is amazing – even so more sophisticated than any existing computer – that it gives people powerful potential (from The existence of God is self evident). A baby is born into the world with around 100 billion brain cells, give or take a few million. A brain cell is technically called a […]

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How to live in Present moment by following 10 Steps

1) Remove resistance. Man is either living in past or in future not in to-day.start living in to-day.Future yet not come ,past is past What you you have focus will become in present .so be in present and Stop resisting what is. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, you are stuck in a […]

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Laughter is prayer. If you can laugh you have learnt how to pray…

Laughter is prayer. If you can laugh you have learnt how to pray. Don’t be serious; a serious person can never be religious. Only a person who can laugh, not only at others but at himself also, can be religious. A person who can laugh absolutely, who sees the whole ridiculousness and the whole game […]

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Real Health Is Inner Health ….

  Now, there are masters who say, “Whatsoever you want, you will get it through meditation. Money will pour in. Just ask in deep meditation and it is going to happen.” This is speaking the language of your desire. The truth is just the opposite. If you ask me, if you really meditate you will […]

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Meditation… Vipassana

First you have to dance, so in dance your armour drops. First you have to shout in joy and sing, so your life becomes more vital. First you have to cathart, so all you have repressed is thrown out and your body is purified of toxins and poisons, and your psyche also is purified from […]

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Never look into the sky! Eagle rises too high. Not shake the wings. Then gives wings spread and is floating in the air. When your consciousness is in the same condition is soaring, the dedication. You do not even move the wings. Then you get the winds emanating. Then you become weightless. Conflict arises from […]

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If a human being exclusively and wholly lives for food, sleep, fear, sex etc., his would be considered an animal-like existence, devoid of any higher purpose.The least rise in the intensity of desire or impatience makes man take recourseto unfair means and turns the individual into a reckless devil. Individuals with such devil character traits […]

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Colours affect the totality of our being …

All creation is made of rays, radiations and vibrations. Whether it is the substratum of our Universe, which is made up chiefly of nine principle rays or the nine colours of the rainbow (yellow, orange, red, violet, indigo, blue, ultra-violet, infra-red and green), which form the white light of our solar system; the nine yogic […]

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Everything Converges in Your Being…

Just sit under a tree. The breeze is blowing and the leaves of the tree are rustling. The wind touches you, it moves around you, it passes. But don’t allow it just to pass you; allow it to move within you and pass through you. Just close your eyes, and as it is passing through […]

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