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Advanced Healing Technique   arrow

Advanced Healing Technique

Many blessings flow from this practice, and some individuals are healed after one deep session.
In Person, or at a Distance
“How to Heal Like Jesus Did Through Laying on of Hands”
1. Prepare with prayer and meditation.
2. Sit erect. Gently tense and relax the whole body. Calm yourself. Touch the medulla once, in order to make it easier for you to concentrate on it.Then visualize Cosmic Energy surrounding and entering the body through the medulla and at the point between the eyebrows, and pouring into the spine.
3. Feel the energy flowing down the whole length of the two arms into the hands. Continue tensing and relaxing and feeling the life force flow from the medulla and the point between the eyebrows through the spine to the hands.
4. Stop tensing and relaxing, and firmly rub the entire bare left arm with the right palm (up and down several times). Do the same to the right arm with the left palm.
5. Relax. Continue visualizing and willing Cosmic Energy to descend from the medulla through the arms into your hands. Now, with closed eyes, rapidly but gently rub your palms together about twenty times.
6. Separate the hands, and lift the arms upward. You will feel the life current flowing from the medulla into the spine, especially through both arms and hands, with a prickling, tingling sensation.
7. Your energy-magnetized hands may be used for curing any diseased part either of your own or someone else’s body. The person need not be in your immediate vicinity, for it is not necessary to touch your patient. This life force passing through your hands has infinite power of projection.
8. Visualize your patient. Broadcast the healing force by moving your hands, electrified by the above method, up and down in space while willing the current to pass over your patient’s diseased body part. Do this in a quiet room for fifteen minutes, or until you feel that you have accomplished your object.

Healing at a Distance

1. Sit erect. Gently tense and relax the whole body. Calm yourself. Touch the medulla once, in order to make it easier for you to concentrate on it. Then visualize Cosmic Energy surrounding and entering the body through the medulla, then going to the point between the eyebrows, and into the spine.
2. Feel the energy flowing down the length of your arms into the hands. Continue tensing and relaxing. Feel the life force flow from the medulla and the point between the eyebrows, through the spine to the hands.
3. After tensing and relaxing, firmly rub the bare left arm with the palm of your right hand. Do the same to the right arm with the left palm.
4. Relax. Visualize the Cosmic Energy descending from the medulla into your arms and hands. Now, with your eyes closed, rapidly rub your palms together about twenty times.
5. Separate the hands and lift the arms upward. Feel the life current flowing from the medulla into the spine, through both arms and hands, with a pricking, tingling sensation.
6. Visualize your patient… Broadcast the healing force by moving your hands, electrified by the Cosmic Energy, up and down, willing the healing current to pass into your patient.
Do this in a quiet room for fifteen minutes, or until you feel that you have accomplished your task.

Concentration Is Everything

The mind, in meditation must be so perfectly still that not a ripple of thought enters it. God, the Subtlest Reality, cannot be perceived except in utter silence.
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