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Never look into the sky! Eagle rises too high. Not shake the wings. Then gives wings spread and is floating in the air. When your consciousness is in the same condition is soaring, the dedication. You do not even move the wings. Then you get the winds emanating. Then you become weightless. Conflict arises from the load. Load resistance is born. The heavier you get the more you fight, the more you’re heavy enough to fall down. Do not fight as much as you become light, as light as you go higher up. And then you leave you struggling to complete the same height, which is divine. Means the same height | become weightless. The ego is like a stone hanging around your neck. The ego will grow as you fight. happened Nanak must come out of the village. The village was the village of Sufis. He was a major center. There were large Sufi, guru. The entire colony was the Sufis. Reported Sufi guru, Nanak early in the morning so he could fill in for a cup of milk sent. Milk was Unabridged.And could not hold another drop. Nanak stayed outside the village on the bank of a well. He broke a flower from a nearby bush put him in a cup of milk. Flowers were Tir. What is the weight of the flowers! He did not place. He was on the surface Tir. Teacup and sent back. Nanak’s disciple Mardana was very surprised what’s the matter? He asked me if I did not understand. What is the secret? This is what the Sufi Guru Nanak said that he had sent word to the village are very knowledgeable, and no longer. I sent back the news that I do not have any weight. I will say the place, not just like flowers will Tir. , which is imponderable is the wiser. The weight is just ignorance. When you have more weight then you hurt each other. When you become weightless, then it is your way of life that it is impossible to properly sustain injury. Non-violence is itself thrives. I love you. Can not find someone to love. And may impose any compassion. If you become weightless, so all these things happen to her. As shadow moving behind the man, the man behind such massive hatred, violence, enmity, strife, murder moving. Light behind human love, compassion, mercy, prayer is moving on its own. So the fundamental question is to drop the ego. how you use your ego? One solution. Rit is the idea that the Vedas. Lao Tzu’s Tao said the idea.Buddha Dhamma, religion, Mahavira, Nanak’s word spades, his commands. With her ??permission, which began walking budge from his side – Dulta is not even his own no-no will, who do not want to blame, he arrived at his command. This is a religious man.

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